Stream Ecology

  • Grade 8, ES 20
  • Morning will be spent at the Duck’s Unlimited McKell Marsh area in Regina and the afternoon at Wascana Trails.
  • Students will assess the health of an aquatic ecosystem through physical, chemical and biological testing, surveys and observations.  Results from the collected data will be discussed as a class along with ideas to improve, change, or maintain the health of Wascana Creek.
  • full day field trip
  • This trip is not accessible by wheelchair 

Related Documents:

Outdoor Field Trip Student Checklist
Aquatic Macro Invertebrate Research - Pre Trip Activity
Types of Water Pollution : Pre Trip Activity
Post Stream Ecology Field Trip Ideas
Calculating Stream Flow - for use on field trip site
Stream Monitoring Data Sheets 
Stream Study Classroom Slide Show


Online Resources:

Safe Drinking Water Foundation - excellent educational program resources

Crapshoot: The Gamble With Our Wastes

Curriculum Connections




Grade 8


FD8.1 Investigate and represent the density of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle theory of matter.


FD8.2 Examine the effects of forces in and on objects in fluids, including the buoyant force.


WS8.1 Analyze the impact of natural and human induced changes to the characteristics and distribution of water in local, regional, and national ecosystems.


WS8.2 Examine how wind, water, and ice have shaped and continue to shape the Canadian landscape.


WS8.3 Analyze natural factors and human practises that affect productivity and species distribution in marine and fresh water environments.


USC8.6 Examine and assess the concept of sustainability from many perspectives, and develop an understanding of its implications for the well-being of self, others, and the environment.

Phys Ed

PE8.8 Apply and adapt selected activity-related skills (e.g., carrying, paddling, gripping, hanging, wheeling, digging, fire building, snow ploughing, compass reading) and strategies required for participation in alternate environment activities (e.g., backpacking, hiking, cycling, overnight camping, canoeing, snowshoeing, wall climbing, in-line skating, skate boarding, cross-country skiing, tracking, roping, dog sledding, skating, orienteering, downhill skiing, tobogganing, quinzhee building).

Phys Ed

PE8.12 Demonstrate the skills required to administer basic first aid (e.g., scene management, seeking help, treating minor injuries, applying precautions for body fluids) required as a result of injury caused by participation in movement activities.