Wascana Creek Stream Study Lab
- This labs is set up as an all day field trip to collect stream data
- The morning will be spent at the Duck’s Unlimited McKell Marsh site where Wascana Creek first enters the City of Regina.
- The afternoon data collection the will be done at Wascana Trails which is located on Wascana Creek and after the water has gone through the city.
- Students will assess the health of an aquatic ecosystem through physical, chemical and biological testing, surveys and observations.
- Results from the collected data will be discussed as a class along with ideas in how to improve, change, or maintain the health of Wascana Creek.
Pre Teaching
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Identification Guide
Data Collection Sheets
Analyze Your Stream Data
Take Action On Stream Health
- Make posters to educate others about water pollutants such as pet waste and fertilizers.
- Write a “Letter to the Editor” about a water-related environmental problem in your area.
- Plant shrubs and trees in a nearby riparian area.
- Pick up garbage next to a nearby creek or pond.
- Find out if your local car wash recycles their waste water. If they don’t, ask why.
- Test the water quality of the drinking water in your school.
- Name some of your daily activities that you could change that will have a positive impact on the quality of water in your watershed.

