Prairie Settlers

  • Grades 4-5
  • Located in Buffalo Pound Provincial Park at the Nicolle Homestead.
  • Students will hike to the homestead site, explore the area and map the location of the house, barn, garden and water source.  They will learn stories about the Nicolle family and participate in an old fashioned picnic. 
  • full day field trip
  • This trip is accessible by wheelchair 

Related Documents:

Outdoor Field Trip Student Checklist - Spring
Outdoor Field Trip Student Checklist - Fall
Prairie Settlers Slide Presentation 
Nicolle Flats Time Line
Saskatchewan Settlement Experience
Picture Bus Bingo
Bus Bingo via Highway 1 and Kalium Road 
Bus Study - via Highway 1 and Kalium Road 
Bus Study - via Highway 1 and Kalium Road Answers
Bus Study - via Highway 1 and 301
Bus Study - via Highway 1 and 301 Answers


Online Resources:

Grade 4 Social Studies Resource for Agriculture

Curriculum Connections 



Grade 4

Social Studies

IN4.2  Describe the origins of cultural diversity in Saskatchewan communities.

Social Studies

DR4.1 Correlate the impact of the land on the lifestyles and settlement patterns of the people of Saskatchewan.

Social Studies

DR4.2 Explain the relationship of the First Nations and Métis peoples with the land.

Social Studies

RW4.3 Asses the impact of Saskatchewan resources and technological innovations on the provincial, national, and global communities.

Phys Ed

E4.10 Apply tactics, strategies, and rules necessary for safe and inclusive involvement in movement activities, including but not limited to co-operative and competitive lead-up games as well as alternate environment activities, when alone and with others.

Phys Ed

PE4.11 Incorporate safe practises (e.g., warm-up, cool-down, safe stretching, protective responses, proper attire, well-maintained equipment) for the prevention of injury and investigate basic first aid associated with care of illness and injury resulting from participation in movement activities both in and out of physical education class.

Grade 5

Social Studies

DR5.1 Analyze the historic and contemporary relationship of people to land in Canada.

Social Studies

IN5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the Aboriginal heritage of Canada.

Social Studies

IN5.2 Analyze the evolution of Canada as a multicultural nation.

Phys Ed

PE5.9 Make decisions about how to prevent and care for common movement activity-related discomforts and injuries (e.g., stiffness, nose bleeds, and sprains).