Wascana Park OrienTREEing

Recommended Grade 5 and up

Students will use a Compass to take them to 14 locations in Wascana Park near the Legislative Building.  At each location they will find the name of the tree they are at by using the information and hints provided on the student sheet. 

Classroom Pre-Teaching

Safety and Respect 

  • Students should be in small groups.  
  • Ensure the group stays together.  .
  • Be sure students are respectful around the Legislative Building and remind them people are working in that building.  
  • If students need to use the washroom, please use the public washroom northwest of the Legislative Building near Albert St.

Start of the Orienteering Activity

  • Have the class gather together on the lawn in front of the Legislative Building.  
  • Practice using the compass with the students before they start.  
  • Each group should start 5 minutes apart.  The students that are waiting their turn can can practice their compass skills.  

 Classroom Follow-Up

  • Have students see how many tree species they can identify in the school yard using the information from the OrienTREEing activity.

Materials Required

A compass or compass phone app, student sheet, and pencil for each group


  1. Starting point – There are 2 large evergreen trees in front of the Legislative Building.  Start at the east one. 
  2. Follow the instructions on the student sheet.  Your goal is to find out the names of the trees at each station using the information and clues provided.  
  3. When you have completed a station, follow the bearing and the distance provided to get to the next station.  Be very accurate with your compassing.  

Related Documents

Wascana Park OrienTREEing Student Sheet

Wascana Park OrienTREEing Questions and Answers