Curriculum Connections |
Grade 5
English Language Arts
CC5.2 Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.
English Language Arts
CC5.3 Speak to express and support a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (e.g., giving oral presentations and reports, retelling a narrative, explaining a display to others, working in groups) for particular audiences and purposes.
English Language Arts
CC5.4 Use a writing process to experiment with and produce multi-paragraph narrative (including stories that contain dialogue), expository (including reports, explanations, letters, and requests), and persuasive (including letters) compositions that clearly develop topic and provide transitions for the reader.
HB5.1 Analyze personal and societal requirements for, and the impact of, maintaining a healthy human body.
Grade 6
Arts Education
CP6.4 Initiate and develop roles in selected drama forms (e.g., contextual, improv, puppetry, radio drama).
Arts Education
CP6.10 Create visual art works that express ideas about identity and how it is influenced (e.g., factors such as pop culture, cultural heritage, peer groups, personal and family interests, gender).
Arts Education
CP6.11 Investigate and use various visual art forms, images, and art-making processes to express ideas about identity.
English Language Arts
CR6.1 View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Growing Up), social responsibility (e.g., Going the Distance), and efficacy (e.g., Making Our Community More Peaceful).
English Language Arts
CR6.2 Select and use appropriate strategies to construct meaning before (e.g., considering what they know and need to know about topic), during (e.g., making connections to prior knowledge and experiences), and after (e.g., drawing conclusions) viewing, listening, and reading.
English Language Arts
CR6.8 Read Grade 6 appropriate texts to increase fluency (120-160 wcpm orally; 160-210 silently) and expression.
English Language Arts
CC6.1 Create various visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore identity (e.g., Your Choices), social responsibility (e.g., Looking for Answers), and efficacy (e.g., Systems for Living).
English Language Arts
CC6.4 Create and present a variety of representations that communicate ideas and information to inform or persuade and to entertain an audience, including illustrations, diagrams, posters, displays, and cartoons.
English Language Arts
CC6.6 Use oral language appropriately to express a range of information and ideas in formal and informal situations including presenting an oral report based on research, a demonstration, and a short dramatization.
Phys Ed
PE6.13 Analyze and apply safety guidelines and rules that apply to the target games, invasion/territorial games, and alternate environment activities to develop an appreciation of their impact on self and others.
Grade 7
Arts Education
CP7.6 Express ideas about importance of place (e.g., relationships to the land, local geology, region, urban/rural environments) in drama and/or collective creation.
English Language Arts
CR7.1 View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Thinking for Oneself), social responsibility (e.g., Participating and Giving Our Personal Best), and efficacy (e.g., Doing Our Part for Planet Earth).
English Language Arts
CR7.7 Read independently and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of specialized information texts including non-fiction books, grade-level instructional materials, articles, reports, reference materials, instructions, advertising and promotional materials, and websites.
English Language Arts
CR7.8 Read Grade 7 appropriate texts to increase fluency (130-170 wcpm orally; 170-220 silently) and expression.
English Language Arts
CC7.1 Create various visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts that explore identity (e.g., Exploring Thoughts, Feelings, and Ideas), social responsibility (e.g., Taking Action), and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World).
English Language Arts
CC7.5 Create and present a variety of representations including visual and multimedia presentations such as displays, illustrations, and videos, and enhance communication with appropriate graphic organizers, charts, circle graphs, timelines, maps, and sound effects.
English Language Arts
CC7.8 Write to describe a person; to narrate an imaginary incident or story; to explain and inform in a news story, a factual account, and a business letter; to persuade in a letter and in interpretation of a text.
Grade 8
English Language Arts
CR8.6 Read and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of grade-appropriate texts including traditional and contemporary prose fiction, poetry, and plays from First Nations, Métis, and other cultures to evaluate the purpose, message, point of view, craft, values, and biases, stereotypes, or prejudices.
English Language Arts
CR8.7 Read independently and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of information texts including understanding the main ideas and supporting evidence, explaining connections between new ideas and information and previous thoughts, and recognizing any biases or false reasoning.
English Language Arts
CR8.8 Read Grade 8 appropriate texts to increase fluency (140-180 wcpm orally;180-230 silently) and expression.
English Language Arts
CC8.5 Create and present a variety of visual and multimedia presentations including an illustrated report, a role play that ends with a tableau, a dramatization, presentation software, a newscast with adequate detail, clarity, and organization to explain (e.g., an important concept), to persuade (e.g., an opinion on an issue, a mini-debate), and to entertain (e.g., a humourous incident).
English Language Arts
CC8.8 Write to describe a landscape scene; to narrate a personal story or anecdote and a historical narrative; to explain and inform in a presentation of findings, a biography, a documented research report, and a résumé and covering letter; and to persuade in a mini-debate and a review.